Retrieves a list of Live Price Grid Types.
{- "response": {
- "status": 0,
- "startRow": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "version": 0,
- "typedId": "7.PGTT",
- "uniqueName": "LPGType1",
- "label": "Live Price Grid Type 1",
- "createdByName": "unity",
- "lastUpdateByName": "unity",
- "targetDate": "2024-11-15",
- "typeConfiguration": {
- "elementNames": [ ],
- "dynamicItemMode": "auto",
- "approvalMappings": [
- "testFormula"
], - "overridableFields": [ ],
- "resultElementName": "ListPrice",
- "hiddenElementNames": [ ],
- "shotgunModeEnabled": false,
- "allowFieldTypeChange": true,
- "approvalTriggerFields": [ ],
- "calculationLogicInputs": [
- {
- "name": "Customer Type",
- "type": "OPTION",
- "label": "Customer Type",
- "inputs": [ ],
- "valueOptions": [
- "Industry",
- "Distributor",
- "Direct Customer",
- "Direct",
- "Distributors"
], - "parameterConfig": { },
- "formattingOptions": { }
}, - {
- "name": "Classification",
- "type": "OPTION",
- "label": "Classification",
- "inputs": [ ],
- "valueOptions": [
- "A",
- "B",
- "C"
], - "parameterConfig": { },
- "formattingOptions": { }
}, - {
- "name": "Account Group",
- "type": "OPTION",
- "label": "Account Group",
- "inputs": [ ],
- "valueOptions": [
- "Global customer",
- "Sold-to",
- "Ship-to"
], - "parameterConfig": { },
- "formattingOptions": { }
}, - {
- "name": "Region",
- "type": "OPTION",
- "label": "Region",
- "inputs": [ ],
- "valueOptions": [
- "California",
- "Arizona",
- "Illinois",
- "Kentucky",
- "Texas",
- "Washington",
- "Hessen",
- "Bayern",
- "Île-de-France",
- "Midi-Pyrénées",
- "City",
- "Manchester",
- "Singapore",
- "Shanghai",
- "Jiangsu",
- "Michigan",
- "Disctrict of Columbia",
- "Florida",
- "India",
- "Baden-Württemberg",
- "Prague",
- "Austria",
- "Birmingham",
- "Northamptonshire",
- "Massachusetts",
- "Hamburg",
- "Noord-Holland",
- "Belgium",
- "Moravskoslezský",
- "Merseyside",
- "Zhejiang",
- "Guangdong",
- "Masovian",
- "Schwyz",
- "Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur",
- "Southampton",
- "Ohio",
- "Minnesota",
- "Georgia",
- "Královéhradecký",
- "Gelderlaand",
- "Zürich",
- "Aargau",
- "Milan",
- "North Carolina",
- "South Carolina",
- "Sachsen",
- "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
- "Aquitaine",
- "Rhône-Alpes",
- "Pays de la Loire",
- "Madrid",
- "Barcelona",
- "Vietnam",
- "Beijing",
- "Oklahoma",
- "Zuid-Holland",
- "AMER",
- "APAC",
- "EMEA"
], - "parameterConfig": { },
- "formattingOptions": { }
], - "userCanToggleVisibility": [
- "ListPrice",
- "Cost",
- "CustomerType",
- "resultPrice",
- "previousPrice",
- "previousPriceDate",
- "activePrice",
- "activePriceDate"
], - "calcLogicInputsOverridableFields": [ ]
}, - "buttonsConfiguration": { },
- "headerFormulaName": "AttrBasedPricingLogicHeader",
- "dimensionType": "SIMPLE",
- "calculationFormulaName": "OptimizedPricingLogic",
- "contextualActions": { },
- "createDate": "2024-11-15T10:44:57",
- "createdBy": 1302,
- "lastUpdateDate": "2024-11-15T10:44:57",
- "lastUpdateBy": 1302,
- "id": 7
}, - {
- "version": 0,
- "typedId": "8.PGTT",
- "uniqueName": "LPGType2",
- "label": "Live Price Grid Type 2",
- "createdByName": "unity",
- "lastUpdateByName": "unity",
- "targetDate": "2024-11-15",
- "typeConfiguration": {
- "elementNames": [ ],
- "dynamicItemMode": "auto",
- "approvalMappings": [
- "testFormula"
], - "overridableFields": [
- "dimensionType",
- "shotgunModeEnabled",
- "allowFieldTypeChange",
- "defaultFormulaOverride",
- "resultElementName",
- "uomOverrideElementName",
- "currencyOverrideElementName",
- "autoApproveElementName",
- "manualResultExpiryElementName"
], - "resultElementName": "ListPrice",
- "hiddenElementNames": [ ],
- "shotgunModeEnabled": false,
- "allowFieldTypeChange": true,
- "approvalTriggerFields": [ ],
- "calculationLogicInputs": [
- {
- "name": "ProductSKU",
- "type": "PRODUCT",
- "label": "ProductSKU",
- "inputs": [ ],
- "parameterConfig": {
- "dataType": "product"
}, - "formattingOptions": { }
}, - {
- "url": "CustomerNetPriceList_Configurator",
- "name": "InputConfigurator",
- "label": "InputConfigurator",
- "value": {
- "Customer": "CID-0001",
- "Dependent Level Name": "United States of America",
- "Independent Level Name": "Global"
}, - "inputs": [ ],
- "parameterConfig": { },
- "formattingOptions": { }
], - "userCanToggleVisibility": [
- "ListPrice",
- "BusinessUnit",
- "InvoicePrice",
- "Customer",
- "previousPrice",
- "previousPriceDate",
- "activePrice",
- "activePriceDate",
- "resultPrice",
- "manualResultPrice"
], - "calcLogicInputsOverridableFields": [
- "ProductSKU",
- "InputConfigurator"
}, - "buttonsConfiguration": { },
- "dimensionType": "SIMPLE",
- "calculationFormulaName": "CustomerNetPriceLogic",
- "contextualActions": { },
- "createDate": "2024-11-15T10:52:02",
- "createdBy": 1302,
- "lastUpdateDate": "2024-11-15T10:52:02",
- "lastUpdateBy": 1302,
- "id": 8
], - "endRow": 3